There is a large bug with this plugin

Making this to alert anyone that would still want to use it in its current state. 

No surprise that it's buggy since it is my first plugin.

There are a couple of bugs in the plugin that I found when I finally got to using it in my project.

Bug 1: If the image file is missing, it cannot open the menu to save. More than likely related to using the error handling for bitmap, so one file missing is making the engine assume something more important is missing as well, like the window png file.

Bug 2:  If a system audio file is missing, you end up stuck in alert box hell to the point you can't close out unless it was set to alert in the console instead. 

Going to have to figure out how to make the errors replace the missing files with empty versions and make it so it won't constantly alert that the message won't constantly repeat.  For the empties, it shouldn't be too hard, since rpg maker already has preexisting code for creating empty files. As for keeping the alerts one offs, will need to figure that out.

The plugin is still technically usable, but user caution is advised until I fix these issues. If you run into any other bugs as well, please let me know here.

Get FTP Missing File Skipper-RPG Maker MZ Plugin

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